Thank you for selecting Dagenais Real Estate's Edgewood Estates as your new home. We are happy to have you and hope that your stay with us will be a long and enjoyable one.
The finest of manufactured housing communities must be governed to guarantee pride of ownership for both resident and Management. The following covenants, or rules and regulations, have been developed so that you and all others have confidence that our Community will continue to be an outstanding place in which to live. Compliance with the rules will help guarantee a peaceful and quiet way of life for you and your neighbors.
These Community Covenants equal or exceed the requirements of the State of Michigan and the City of Escanaba for the development and regulation of privately owned manufactured housing communities.
Residents and occupants will abide by and conform to these Community Covenants and to further rules that may be issued by Management for the operation and use of the Community. The Owner may terminate any resident's tenancy if any of the occupants of home, in the judgment of the Owner, violates any established rule for the use and operation of the Community, and upon such determination, resident will be required to remove their home from the Community. All expenses incurred in the removal of such home shall be borne by such resident.
The Community, its grounds and facilities are to be used by the residents, occupants, invitees and guests at their own risk, and it is understood that the Management assumes no liability or responsibility for injuries to persons or property or loss by such persons. Residents also agree and hereby assume the risks and hazards, which may be created by other occupants of the Community.
Management is not responsible for loss due to fire, storm, theft, or other accident or injury. Each resident must carry whatever insurance is necessary to protect his or her own interests.
Interpretation, explanation, additions, deletions, and enforcement of these rules are reserved solely and absolutely to Management. Changes to the rules shall be brought to the attention of residents in a manner consistent with the rules of the Michigan Manufactured Housing Commission by posting in the Office and by delivery to each resident not less than thirty (30) days before such rules or changes become effective.
Each application will be submitted to Management for approval and each applicant will be interviewed by Management. This procedure generally takes ten (10) to fourteen (14) working days. Management reserves the right to accept or reject said applicant for any lawful reason. Any prospective resident giving false or incomplete information will be cause for denial of residency or eviction should they become a resident.
At registration, resident shall make a security deposit equal to one and one-half times the current lot rent. Such security deposit will be returned to you by mail when the property is vacated, providing that the property is left in the required condition, a proper 30 day written notice is given, and all moving out procedures are followed. Residents will be responsible for damages exceeding the amount of the security deposit. The deposit is for security purposes only and may not be used for rent.
The State of Michigan requires that all residents be registered at the office. To insure compliance with the law, it is necessary that any changes in your household status be reported to the office, in writing, within five (5) days. There will be no charge for guests visiting. However, any resident not reporting a household status change may be asked to vacate, ALL HOMES MUST BE OCCUPIED BY THE OWNER and the resident's name shall appear on the Certificate of Title. All homes in the Community must by titled by the State of Michigan and a copy of such title showing the resident's name will be provided to Management upon request. NOTICE: SUBLETTING OR RENTING OF HOMES IS NOT PERMITTED. SHOULD MANAGEMENT FIND THAT A HOME HAS BEEN SUB-LEASED, RENTED, OR IS IN ANYWAY OCCUPIED BY SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE REGISTERED OWNER, THE HOME AND ITS OCCUPANTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY EVICTED FROM THE COMMUNITY.
Terms may be on a month to month basis or by written lease and rent is due and payable, in advance, upon the first of each month. Rental payments may be mailed or paid in person at the offices of Dagenais Real Estate. A late/liquidated damage charge of $1.00 per day will be assessed to all residents whose rent is not received by Management on or before the fifth day of the month. Payment may be made by personal check, money order, cashier's check, or by cash. A charge of $15.00 will be assessed to any resident whose personal check is not honored for any reason. Thereafter, Management reserves the right to refuse personal checks from any resident who has had their check dishonored
and the resident must then make rental payments by money order, cashier's check, or cash. Rent payment by credit cards is not accepted.
If you wish to mail your rent, please mail early so that it is received on time to avoid a late charge. Please use the following address:
1505 North Lincoln Road Escanaba, Ml 49829
Maximum occupancy within a manufactured home in the Community shall be as follows: Two (2) persons per bedroom. Any person residing within a home for more than thirty (30) days will be considered a permanent occupant and must be registered with and approved by Management.
In the event Resident fails to pay rent or other charges on or before the fifth day of the month, Management will issue a Notice to Quit for Non-payment of Rent. If Management thereafter institutes legal action against the Resident based on the default in payment of rent, the payment of rent then due will only be accepted by money order, cashier's check, certified check, or cash. Additionally, Resident shall also reimburse Management for the expenses incurred by Management, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, as provided by law,
Notice: Failure by resident to make timely payments for rent and other charges as provided in a lease agreement and/or Community Covenants governing this property, on three (3) or more occasions during any twelve (12) month period, is just cause for termination of tenancy as provided by law.
Every reasonable effort will be made by Management to ensure that the Rules and Regulations are enforced and that the quiet enjoyment and comfort of all residents is not disturbed. Ignorance of a Rule or Regulation cannot be accepted as an excuse.
Residents who violate a Rule or Regulation will be contacted by Management, either by a personal visit, telephone call, issuance of a written Notice of Rule Violation, or a Notice to Quit. If a Notice of Rule Violation is issued, it is expected that the violation will be correct by the date stated on the Notice. Failure or refusal to correct a violation after notice of Rule Violation or chronic or repeated violations of the Rules and Regulations may lead to eviction proceedings. Please note that compliance with the Rules and Regulations is absolutely essential to provide you and your neighbors pleasant and peaceful surroundings..
If you receive a Notice to Quit, for Just Cause Termination of Tenancy, you are entitled to request a conference, to be held with the Community Owner or representative of the Owner. This conference must be requested by certified mail within ten (10) days of receipt of the Notice to Quit.
Use of the home for unlawful purposes. Violation of those Community Rules and Regulations reasonably related to:
- The health, safety, and welfare of the Community, Management, its
employees, or residents. - The quiet enjoyment of other residents.
- The maintenance of the physical condition or appearance of the home in the Community to protect the value of the Community's appearance or
aesthetic quality. - Violation of the Department of Public Health rules.
- Intentional physical injury by the resident (including the resident's guests or other occupants) to other residents, Community personnel; or intentional physical damage by the resident (including the resident's guests or other occupants) to Community property or the property of other residents.
- A resident's violation of local ordinances, state laws, or governmental regulations relating to manufactured homes.
- Changes in the use or substantial use of the nature of the Community.
- Any other reason or cause allowed by law.
The resident shall continue to pay all rent and other charges owed to Management, when due, following the issuance of a Notice to Quit or other notification for just cause termination of tenancy. During the pendency of the action, Management may accept all payments of rent and other charges without prejudice to the action to evict the resident. If payment of rent and other charges is not made in a timely manner, then Management may proceed to evict the resident for non-payment of rent without prejudice to the just cause termination proceedings.
The prevailing party in a contested action to terminate a tenancy for just cause will be awarded liquidated damages of not more than $500.00 for action in District Court plus $300.00 for each appellate level. Liquidated damages shall not be construed as a penalty nor shall the payment of such liquidated damages preclude Management from recovering
any actual additional damages including but not limited to those which may have been incurred as a result of unpaid rent, damages to the leased site or common areas, or the cost to remove the manufactured home from the Community, including but not limited to actual attorney's fees and court costs.
All manufactured homes brought into the Community are to be installed in accordance with the rules and standards set forth in the rules promulgated by the Michigan Department of Industry Standards, Manufactured Housing Commission, and in accordance with the manufacturer's and Community's written installation instructions. In addition, the resident must notify Management at least 72 hours prior to the arrival of the home into the Community and Management's representative must be present during the delivery of the home.
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS: For your safety and welfare, rules regarding the installation of manufactured homes have been promulgated by the Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services and the Manufactured Housing Commission. Additionally, the manufacturer of your home should provide written instructions specifically created for the installation of your manufactured home. Therefore, you must make sure your home is installed by a licensed manufactured home installer who is familiar with the installation requirements including, but not limited to, placement, blocking, tie downs, and utility (gas, water and electric) hook ups. The Manufactured Housing Commission rules also require that each home have a fire extinguisher and a smoke detector.
- Each home site shall be numbered and clearly marked for positive identification. Each number shall be easily readable from the street servicing the site.
- Approved skirting required and must completely enclose the space beneath the home. The vinyl siding of the home shall be extended down to within 12 to 18 inches of the ground. The last 12 to 18 inches shall receive a stucco finish over treated plywood or an approved material. Skirting is to be properly ventilated according to the home manufacturer's and local code requirements and access panels of sufficient size in the utility hook up area are to be in place. Materials and color are to match or attractively accent the exterior of your home. Residents shall skirt their home within thirty (30) days of its placement on the site. The area under the home is to be kept clean and no combustible material, debris, or any other storage is to be present.
- Hitches must be removed form the home upon installation and stored beneath the home.
- On homes which face any street in the Community, the front steps leading to the front entry door are to be enclosed concrete. Off street steps may be enclosed concrete, enclosed fiberglass, open sided metal,, or treated wood. Proper handrails must be attached. Steps are to be maintained in a safe and attractive manner. Offside entry doors are not to be used as a primary entrance. All steps must be placed on a four-inch (4") deep concrete slab or incorporated into an allowed deck.
- Prior to installing any porch, deck, awning, or addition, the resident must first obtain written approval of Management to assure aesthetic compatibility. All porches and decks must be constructed of treated wood and all exposed sides are to be skirted. Proper handrails must be installed on all exposed sides. Awnings and additions are to be of approved materials. All are to be maintained in good condition.
- Utility connections of electric, water, sewer, and gas in the home are the sole responsibility of the resident. All utility hook ups shall be made in compliance with the Department of Industry Standards, Manufactured Housing Commission rules, the manufacturer's written instructions, and any applicable local codes. All water connections to the thermovalve unit must include a new shut-off gate valve and union fitting.
- Telephone and cable TV are to be buried underground during installation of the home by the appropriate company. Residents are responsible for confirming this is done.
- No exterior antennas are permitted. Mini-satellite dishes (18” in diameter or less) must have their location approved by Management prior to installation.
- All homes must have door side water service (a water line running from the water service, under the home, to the door side, to an exterior water faucet).
- Central air conditioner compressors must be placed on a concrete or other approved slab on the main door side or rear of the homesite. Window air conditioning units must be securely braced to the home and cannot be supported by any extensions to the ground. All air conditioning units must be attractively maintained.
- All cement slabs and patios were poured to accommodate standard size homes. Any additional concrete work needed to fit your particular home will be poured at your expense. All cement work must be approved in advance by Management and can only be done by a licensed, approved contractor.
- Spacing violations of home and adjacent structures must be corrected at the resident's expense.
- Resident shall be solely responsible for any damage to Community property or that of other residents resulting from the installation of the manufactured home.
- All residents shall be required to install a carport or garage addition within forty five (45) days.
- Carports and garages must be constructed by a licensed and insured contractor approved by Management.
- Carports and garages must meet all local building codes or requirements.
- Minimum design requirements for carports and garages shall include an integrated storage shed and shall provide that all exposed surfaces, including but not limited to posts, beams, facia boards, stud walls and rafters shall be covered with approved building materials and shall blend or match the home
- All plans and specifications for resident's carport shall be submitted to Management for approval prior to the start of construction.
- Residents shall make no alterations to the exterior of the manufactured home or to the lease site without first obtaining the written permission of Management to sure aesthetic compatibility. Residents must provide Management with a sketch, to scale, of the appearance or location of the proposed improvement or alteration (i.e.: porch, deck, carport, shed, awning, cement pad, etc.).
- Resident is responsible for obtaining any required building permits.
- NOTICE: Residents who make improvements or alterations without first obtaining required building permits and/or the written approval of Management may be required by Management to remove the improvements or alterations.
- All improvements and alterations should be performed by a licensed and insured contractor.
- Resident shall maintain the home and site in a clean, attractive fashion at resident's own expense at all times. Failure to maintain the physical condition or appearance of the home or site is cause for termination of tenancy.
- All broken windows, doors, screens, skirting, etc. must be repaired immediately. No plastic may be used for replacement windows.
- The exterior of the home must be washed when dirty.
- The exterior must be painted when needed. If you are painting your home, the color must be approved by Management.
- Items may not be left about the yard or driveway. All items must be stored in the home or storage shed.
- Lawns are to be mowed, trimmed, raked, seeded, fertilized, and watered to maintain a healthy and attractive appearance.
- In the event a resident fails to maintain the home site as required, a Notice of Rule Violation, requesting the resident to perform the maintenance by a certain date, will be issued. If the violation is not corrected as requested, Management has the right to enter upon the site and perform any and all necessary maintenance as permitted by law. (In the event of a lawn care violation, Management may perform this work, with or without notice, during its routine care of the common areas). The charges for such work shall be as follows:
- Mowing site (per occasion): $20.00
- Trimming site (per occasion): $10.00
- All other repairs and maintenance work resulting from resident's failure to maintain the premises in good repair (rate per hour, per occasion, plus materials):* $30.00 per hour
- *There shall be a one-hour minimum charge per occasion.
- Yard lights have been installed by Management at each homesite. These lights operate on a dusk to dawn basis by means of a photo-cell. These lights will be tested at the time the Resident moves in to insure proper operation. Replacement of burned out bulbs shall be the responsibility of the Resident. Residents must report any problems with the yard light to Management.
- If at any time you have a problem with the gas, telephone, or cable TV services, please contact the companies directly. Their numbers are listed on the last page. If you experience trouble with the electrical or water service, please notify Management. Any resident contacting a service company for repair service will be responsible for any and all charges incurred.
- The resident is responsible for a water supply protection device. A water supply protection device, such as a heat tape, UL or similarly listed, shall be installed at the time the home is installed on site and shall be maintained and replaced when necessary to prevent the freezing of service lines, valves, and risers. Management has provided a freezeless water riser with a heat rod. Resident shall be responsible to insure the heat hod is plugged in during cold weather. Any damage caused to the home or Community property by resident's failure to maintain their water supply protection device or failure to plug in heat rod, shall be the responsibility of the resident. Any resident not complying with this provision will have their water service terminated until in full compliance.
- Each resident shall keep his sewer flushed to prevent clogging. Disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, fabric softener sheets, etc. must not be flushed down toilets. Grease must not be poured down drains. If a resident's sewer is clogged due to improper usage and is not the result of obstruction in the main trunk sewer line, the resident shall be responsible for the costs incurred in cleaning out their sewer line.
- SHUT OFFS - It is the resident's responsibility to notify the office if either the gas or electricity is shut off so that during winter months we may disconnect and winterize our water service. If a resident fails to notify the office, all repairs will be paid by the resident.
- Residents are required to have garbage and rubbish ready for pick up at the curb each Thursday morning before 7:00 a.m. All garbage should be in cans with covers. Any excess bags left curbside must be black plastic bags only. White or clear bags are not permitted.
- All recyclable material must be sorted in your recycle bin and placed curbside as well. Recyclables are picked up the last Thursday of each month.
- Residents shall be responsible for arranging removal of large, bulky, heavy items at their own expense.
- Trash cans and excess bags are to be stored in the shed at all other times. Trash bags that are left around the exterior of the home will be assumed to be trash and will be picked up at resident's expense of $5.00 per bag.
- All residents of the Community have the right to peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the Community. To insure you of peaceful living, those persons (resident guest) who cause multiple complaints of loud parties, loud music, other noises, drunkenness, acts of immoral conduct or unruly behavior will be asked to leave.
- Persons involved in stealing or causing malicious damage to buildings, property or equipment are subject to criminal and civil prosecution plus a Notice to Terminate Tenancy.
- Physical or verbal abuse of Community personnel or other residents can result in a Notice to Terminate Tenancy.
- Residents are responsible and will be held accountable for the actions and conduct of their minor children and their guests.
In a Community such as ours, it is necessary that certain policies regarding children be established:
- Young children may not be left unattended at home or at the playground.
- Children of any age are not permitted to roam the Community after 10:00 p.m.
- For safety reasons, children are not allowed to play in the streets at any time.
- Parents are responsible for any disturbances or damages caused by their children
- Each resident must have a storage shed erected within forty-five (45) days to store all miscellaneous household items, toys, bicycles, lawn furniture, lawn tools, trash cans, etc.
- Storage shed shall be integrated as part of resident's carport.
- Minimum size shall be 8' x 12' and the maximum size shall be 8' x 24'.
- Exterior walls of storage shed shall be of the same material and color as the exterior walls of the home.
- Storage sheds shall have at least one window
- The general care of the exterior of your home and its surroundings is very important to every resident in our Community. Be sure that your yard, driveway, porch, and patio are always free from debris and that all miscellaneous items are stored in your shed when not in use.
- NNo storage is permitted under your home with the exception of the running gear that was necessary to bring your home to the Community. Management may find it necessary to inspect under the home for health reasons.
- Yard sales are permitted only in resident's yard. All items must be removed before dark daily. Limit per family: Two (2) days.
- Signs of any type are not permitted in windows, yard, or Community property. (Exception: one 12" x 18" FOR SALE sign-see page 16).
- Tents are not to be erected on the premises.
- All utility lines are underground. To prevent damage to the lines and personal injury, fences, poles, or stakes may not be driven into the ground.
- There is a fully equipped playground in the Community. Swingsets are not permitted in the yards. Other pieces of recreational equipment may be permitted on an individual basis with the prior written consent of Management.
- For health and safety reasons, yard pools are limited in size to five (5) feet in diameter and one (1) foot in depth.
- All residents must have adequate out-of-site storage for all yard toys, large or small.
- No resident shall be permitted to hang laundry outside of the home unless they use an umbrella-type clothesline. Clothes shall not be permitted to hang longer than twenty-four (24) hours.
- Porch enclosures should not appear as though they are storage sheds.
- All vehicles must have a certificate of mandatory no-fault insurance coverage, and a current state license.
- All vehicles shall be neat in appearance and must be free of any oil or fluid leaks. Such leaks must be repaired immediately. Any damage to asphalt or concrete surfaces from leaking vehicles will be repaired at resident's expense.
- Vehicle repair or maintenance (except changing of flat tires) is strictly prohibited. This includes brake work, oil changes, tune ups, radiator flushing, muffler changing, engine overhauls, bodywork or painting, etc.
- All vehicles are to be equipped with an adequate and functioning muffler. The operation of vehicles not properly muffled or with malfunctioning mufflers within the Community are not allowed and are a violation of Community Rules.
- No vehicles with a gross weight greater than one ton are permitted (except for deliveries within the Community).
- All vehicles operating within the Community must obey the posted speed limit (10 m.p.h.) and all traffic signs. Should any resident be caught violating any of these regulations, it may result in the loss of right to operate a motor vehicle in the Community or termination of tenancy.
- Off-street parking for two (2) cars is provided for each site. Residents are to use this area and are not to park on streets. There is a limit of two (2) vehicles per family.
- Parking of vehicles on the grass or lawns is not permitted at any time.
- No overnight parking on any street is permitted.
- Please remove all vehicles from streets when streets are being plowed. Any vehicles parked on the street during snow removal will be towed at resident's expense.
- As permitted by law, Management reserves the right to remove vehicles parked in violation of these rules and regulations and further reserves the right to remove inoperative vehicles or vehicles without current license plates. All costs involved shall be paid by the resident,
- Recreational vehicles such as motorhomes, travel trailers, and boats may be parked in the resident's driveway or immediately in front of the home for loading and unloading only and only for reasonable periods of time. No persons may sleep or live in any type of recreational vehicle. No form of recreational vehicle may be attached to any utility connection.
- If you own a recreational vehicle, we suggest that you find a professional storage facility outside of Edgewood Estates.
- ORVs, ATVs, minibikes, dirtbikes, snowmobiles, etc., are strictly prohibited from operating anywhere on the Community property. Such vehicles must be trailered in and out of the Community and stored in resident's shed while in the Community.
- Motorcycles are permitted in the Community only by residents. Motorcycles are allowed to operate only for transportation in and out of the Community. Joy riding within the Community is not permitted. Motorcycles must pass a muffler noise test, be street legal, licensed, and insured. Motorcycles may be parked in resident's assigned parking space or stored in resident's shed.
It is the responsibility of each resident to keep their driveway, sidewalk and steps free from snow and ice at all times during the winter months. Please be sure to throw all snow on the yard and not the street as the Community plow will be continually plowing the centers of the streets to keep them clean, throwing the snow in the street will only cause you more work.
Management has provided a playground area for children and families to discourage children from playing in the streets. Parents are required to supervise their small children at the playground. Residents are asked to use this area for its intended purpose and to help keep the area free of litter,
Management is concerned about you and your family's well-being. Our rules and regulations are the means of providing a happy and safe living environment. Adherence to the following rules is very important and required of every resident and their guests:
- All residents are required to exercise proper care and safety to ensure against accidents occurring in and around the home, homesite, and surrounding Community. Please remember that residents are responsible for the actions of their minor children and their guests.
- All homes are to have at least one five pound fire extinguisher and the required smoke detector(s).
- All homes are to be kept free of fire hazards. For your own safety and that of other residents, combustible materials (gas powered lawn equipment, etc.) may not be stored under your home.
- It is the responsibility of the resident to monitor radio and/or television for severe weather warnings. There are no government-approved shelters within the Community. All local radio stations broadcast severe weather warnings as may be issued by the National Weather Service or the Michigan State Police as a public service. These stations are: WCHT am 600, WDBC am 680, WGLQ fm 97.1, WYKX fm 104.7, WGKL fm 105.5 and WMXG fm 106.3.
- Actions which interfere with the health, safety, or welfare of the Community, its employees, or residents is cause for termination of tenancy.
- Resident should furnish Management with the name, address, and telephone number of a person to contact in case of an emergency.
From time to time it becomes necessary for a Resident to relocate their home or sell a home and move on to other places. Because we are aware of this, Management has found it necessary to set policies and standards to protect our long-term residents and their investments. The following two sections outline our guidelines:
In order to receive your full security deposit, the following steps must be followed:
- Resident, if a month-to-month tenant, must provide Management with thirty (30) days prior written notice of their intent to remove the home from the lease site. If the tenancy is pursuant to a written lease and resident intends to remove the home upon expiration of the lease, resident must, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the lease, provide Management with written notice of their intent to remove the home. The removal of the home prior to expiration of the lease term may result in the resident's continued liability for rent until the expiration of the lease term or until Management is able to lease the homesite, whichever occurs first. All rents and other charges due by resident must be paid in full prior to the removal of the home from the leased site. Failure to provide a timely written notice will result in resident's continuing liability for payment of rent for a thirty (30) day period commencing with the date Management actually receives written notice of resident's intent to vacate or, if the home is removed without any prior written notice, then resident shall remain liable for rent for a thirty (30) day period after the home is actually removed from the Community. Resident must further notify Management at least 72 hours prior to the removal of the home from the Community and Management's representative must be present during the removal of the home. Resident must have the home moved by a professional, licensed, and insured company.
- Skirting may not be removed from the home until 48 hours prior to the home being moved.
- The leased site must be left in a clean and neat condition. Any improvements or installations placed on the site including but not limited to decks, sheds, porches, tie-downs, anchoring systems, awnings, carports, etc., must be removed from the site. These items do not become fixtures or property of the Community. Concrete slabs, trees, and shrubs shall remain on the site following the removal of the home. Resident is also responsible for any damage to the lawn of the home site or that of other residents or Community common areas that may be caused by the removal of the home.
- Failure of resident to complete the clean up or effect any repairs within 24 hours after the home is removed will result in Management performing all necessary work to clean and restore the leased site and grounds. All costs for such work (minimum $50.00 clean up fee) will be deducted from resident's security deposit. All charges over and above the amount of the security deposit will be paid immediately by resident.
- Resident will provide Management with a copy of their paid receipt of the final utility bills for the site.
Management assumes no responsibility in the event that a manufactured housing retailer, bank, or other secured party removes the resident's home from the Community.
The right to occupy a home on the leased site is not unconditionally transferable with the sale or transfer of title to the home. To ensure that the purchaser(s) of your home, should you decide to sell it, will be permitted to keep and occupy the home on the leased site, the following criteria must be met and policies followed. If the policies set forth are not followed, the privilege of leaving the home in the Community shall be immediately and permanently denied. Non-compliance with these policies will also result in a Notice to Quit Just Cause Termination to be served on the resident.
- Home exterior, interior, and all adjacent structures must be in excellent condition and repair.
- All plumbing must be in good condition, meet state and local codes, and current Community set-up requirements.
- Homes must have a shut off gate valve and union fitting. If the valve is older than two years old, it must be replaced.
- Home must be washed.
- The yard and all landscaping accessories must be in good repair.
- The home must meet all current Community, state and local requirements (set-up, plumbing, fire, safety, and spacing).
- The home must contain at least one fire extinguisher and smoke detector and comply with applicable laws.
- Home, adjacent structures, and yard must be in compliance with all written regulations of the Community Covenants."
- The home must fit in aesthetically and be compatible with the surrounding homes and Community generally.
- All rents and other charges must be paid current prior to resale or transfer of the home.
If your home meets these requirements, you must contact the office prior to listing the home for sale for an inspection appointment. The charge for this inspection will be $30.00 and must be paid prior to the inspection. The purpose of this inspection will be to ensure your home and site are in com Community standards. An inspection will consist of a preliminary inspection to
determine what needs to be done and a final re-inspection and if an additional inspection is required, a new inspection fee will be charged. The inspection is valid for ninety (90) days and if your home is not sold within that period, a supplemental inspection is required. All items that need repair or correction must be completed prior to Management's final authorization of resale. The inspection or authorization of resale are not a warranty, expressed or implied, to any person as to the condition of any part of the home or its accessories. The inspections are for aesthetic reasons.
One 12" by 18" FOR SALE sign may be placed in the front window but only after the inspection fee has been paid and full repairs and corrections have been completed and the resident has received written authorization for resale.
All potential buyers must meet with Management, apply for and be approved for residency PRIOR to the closing on the sale of the home. If the purchaser of a home occupies the home without first having obtained Management approval, the purchaser will be deemed to be a trespasser and may be evicted from the Community. The resident of record will remain responsible for all rent and other charges which may accrue and will be subject to having the home evicted from the Community for non-compliance with the rules.
Edgewood Estates shall allow pets under the following restrictions:
- Dogs shall be limited to less than 15 lb. and 15 inches in height.
- Cats must be indoor only.
- Fish in aquariums and certain birds, such as parakeets, may be permitted.
Exotic pets, such as snakes, farm animals or wild animals are strictly
prohibited. - Residents shall be solely and totally responsible for the behavior of their
pets. Dangerous pets will not be allowed to remain in the Community. - Residents are required to clean up after their pets on their homesite and while walking their pets.
- All pets are to be kept inside the home and when outside, pets must be on a hand held leash and under control of the owner at all times. No pet may be left unattended outside of the home (whether on a leash or not) at any time.
- Residents may have only one domestic pet per household
- A separate “Pet Agreement" must be signed and approved. Management
reserves the right to refuse any pet at their discretion. All pets that are approved are on a ninety (90) day probation period, and removal is imminent if the pet owner ignores their responsibility or should the pet become a nuisance in any manner.
Advertising, solicitation, or delivering handbills is not permitted. Management reserves the right to communicate with residents through the distribution of written materials from time to time. No commercial enterprise or business shall be conducted in the Community
Management shall have the right to enter onto the homesite to inspect, Tepair, or make alterations or additions to the premises or the utilities situated on the leased site or for the purpose of protecting the Community. Management may enter upon the homesite at all reasonable times but not in a manner or at such times as to interfere unreasonably with resident's quiet enjoyment. Management shall have no right to enter a home unless the resident's prior written consent has been obtained or, if such written consent is not obtained, to prevent imminent danger to the occupant(s) of the home, to other residents of the Community, or to the Community.
In a Community such as ours, residents are reminded that lots are small and homes are close together. It is essential that all residents respect the property rights and quiet enjoyment rights of the other residents. But sometimes problems arise between neighbors (stereo noise, parking, etc.). Because it is necessary for residents to get along with each other, we ask that you first discuss and try to resolve the problem with your neighbor. If you are unsuccessful in resolving the problem, please feel free to turn in a complaint to the office. All complaints must be in writing and will be answered as soon as possible.
Should you have a complaint regarding Management's operation of the Community, you must turn in a written complaint to Management. If Management fails to handle the complaint, under the Manufactured Housing Commission Act, you have the right to file a complaint that pertains to violations of that act or rules published under the Act. Before a complaint can be filed under this Act or these rules, you must notify the Community Management, retailer, broker, or servicer in writing that a problem exists. If they do not provide a reasonable response within fifteen (15) days of receipt of your complaint, you may file a complaint with the Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services, Corporations and Securities Bureau, Manufactured Housing Division, P.O. Box 30222, Lansing, MI 48909. Please note that the Manufactured Housing Division can accept only violations pertaining to the Manufactured Housing Commission Act or Rules. Complaints pertaining to Community rent costs do not fall under this Act,
The Manufactured Home Buyers and Residents Handbook which explains the rights and responsibilities under the Michigan Manufactured Housing Commission Act, is available at the Office or from the Department of Consumer and Industry Services.
Police-Fire-Ambulance (All Emergencies) 911
Escanaba Public Safety (Police & Fire) 786-5911
Delta County Sheriff 786-3633
Michigan State Police (Gladstone Post) 428-4211
Rampart Ambulance 786-2051
St. Francis Hospital 786-3311
DTE Energy (Natural Gas) 1-800-477-4747
Charter Communications (Cable Television) 1-877-728-3121
City of Escanaba (Electricity) 786-0552
Delta Disposal (Trash Removal) 786-2276
Dagenais Real Estate (Office) 789-9427
Paul Dagenais (Home) 786-3996
Matt Dagenais (Home) 789-9427